Team RWB (Team Red, White, & Blue)
Our Sir Knights collect old neglected or better bikes and give them to a group of men in West Haven who run “American Patriot: Team RWB (Red, White, & Blue). They repair and rehabilitate the bikes and provide them to veterans at the VA. Pictured above are the latest round of used bikes delivered this month to American Patriot, who now has over 30 bicycles for vets to use as needed: short term or long term.
Thanks to Michael and Gary at American Patriot for pairing vets with bikes for exercise and social rehab. And thank you to everyone who has helped the cause by collecting, donating, and helping to transport bikes! To help or to donate a bike, email Bikes@Assembly2459.Org and Mike Muttitt will follow up with you.
Photo by Mike Muttitt.